The Jonas Brothers Movie and More  

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I took Ava to see the Jonas Brothers 3D movie on Saturday. The 3D effects were really cool and she had such a GREAT time. Like a better time than anyone else in the movie theater. She was clapping and dancing like she was an actual concert. So stinking cute. She just loves music and I can't wait to take her to her first real concert someday! In other news, Nathaniel has finally started taking a good bit. The funniest is probably "Don't!" To his sister most of the time. He also uses some sentences like "Where'd daddy go?" Nathaniel is also interested in the potty. He's been saying "pee pee" and grabbing at his diaper so I bought a potty chair and stripped him down. Within the first two hours, he peed and pooped on it. Quite impressive. We aren't pushing it too much and he's interested in it on and off. Not sure when we'll get serious with it, but for now, I'm pretty impressed.

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